This project was created by learning how we find our ways of method-making in design. I put my interest in this project (which is disc golf) and realized that I loved the way the disc flew, making a flight path in the air. I tracked my method at a nearby course, which I had never been to, and started my method, I limited myself to three rules. The first rule was only to throw four discs. The second was to play on the easy t-pads. The last rule was always using a different disc than the previous throw. The results were drawn and recorded on all 18 holes to create this unique design that leads to a central target (basket). I repeated this design 18 times and layered it upon itself. I finalized this design into a pattern. In the end, this could be utilized in a way for the disc golf community to where a business could personalize a customer's discs by tracking their throws and disc flights, making patterns that could be put onto discs or merchandise. 

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